Human Rights


To promote, protect and educate human rights in the community.
Mainly promoting children’s rights based in international UN Convection on the Rights of the Child. This rights however do not only apply to children but to adults included.

Protecting and promoting:

Health (Article 24): Every child has the right to the best possible health, thru good quality healthcare, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment.
Education on health and wellbeing.
Adequate standards of living (Article 27): Every child has the right to a standard of living, adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development.

This includes food, shelter and education necessary for a child’s development that will reflect in all areas of a child’s life and throughout their lifetime.
Education (Article 28 and 29): Every child has the right to an education that develops their personality, talents and abilities to the full.
Encouraging respect for human rights and other cultures, and the environment.
Knowledge of rights (Article 42):  Ensuring children and adults know about their human rights, through education.
Leisure, play and culture (Article 31): Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
These right are promoted and apply through each individual department on SALMAT 25.